Best Time To Practice Qigong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a holistic practice that aims to balance the body, mind, and spirit by using breathing techniques, movements, and meditation.

Practicing qigong regularly can help you achieve increased flexibility, better balance, improved circulation, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being. However, like many other practices, there are certain times of the day when qigong can have a greater impact on your health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the best times to practice qigong and why they are beneficial.


The morning is considered an ideal time to practice qigong for several reasons. First, it is a great way to start the day with a peaceful and calm mindset. By practicing qigong in the morning, you can set the tone for the rest of your day and build a sense of mindfulness that can carry over into your daily activities. Second, qigong is a gentle practice that helps wake up your body and mind. It can help energize you for the day ahead and help you feel more alert and focused. Third, practicing qigong in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythms. Your circadian rhythms are the body's internal clock that regulates sleep and wakefulness. By practicing qigong in the morning, you can help reset your internal clock and improve your sleep quality at night.


Noon is another great time of day to practice qigong. Practicing qigong at this time of day can help you combat the midday slump and feel more energized. It is also a good time to practice qigong if you have a sedentary job or spend most of your day sitting down. Qigong can help stretch out your muscles and improve your posture. It can also help you stay focused and alert during the afternoon.


The afternoon is another good time of day to practice qigong. It can help you reduce stress and tension that may have built up during the day. If you work in a demanding job, practicing qigong during your lunch break can help you reduce stress and improve focus for the remaining part of the day. Qigong can also help you reconnect with your breath and quiet the mind, making it an excellent practice for those who struggle with anxiety or other mental health issues.


Practicing qigong in the evening can be a great way to wind down after a long day. It can help you release any tension or anxiety that may have built up during the day, and help you relax and prepare for bed. Practicing qigong before bedtime can also help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a more restful sleep. However, it is important not to practice qigong too close to bedtime as the energizing effects of the practice may make it difficult to fall asleep.

Regardless of the time of day, it is crucial to find a time that works for you and your schedule. The consistency of practicing qigong regularly is more important than the specific time of day that you practice. Building a habit of practicing qigong, whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or evening can help you maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit.


In summary, practicing qigong regularly can help improve your overall physical and mental health. While there are certain times of day when qigong can have a more significant impact on your well-being, it is important to find a time that works for you and your lifestyle. Experimenting with different times of day and finding what works best for you can help you build a consistent qigong practice that brings you peace and balance. Whether you practice in the morning, afternoon, or evening, the most important thing is to make qigong a regular part of your routine.