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Our Goal is to spread Authentic Chinese Qigong Exercises
No Secrets and No Mysticism
Our Video Training Courses let you start learning today, right from home!
Start NowDeep Relaxation
Minimal Time Required for long lasting deep results!
Abundant Energy
Not just a quick pick me up, but a long term solution!
Mental Focus
Exercises that coordinate your movements, your breath, and your mind!
Low Impact Workout
Strengthen the joints and work the entire body without causing strain!
Improved Feelings of Health and Wellness!
About Us

My name is Franklin Fick.
I have been practicing Qigong for over 32 years. I am a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I have been teaching Qigong and Traditional Chinese Martial Arts for over 25 years.
I have seen the benefits of these exercises in my own practice, in my students, and also in my clinical practice of Cinese Mdicine with my patients and Now I Want to Share My Knowledge with You!
What is Qigong?
Qigong exercises are not complicated and Anyone Can Learn!
Qigong is an art from China that is well known for its healing properties. Throughout its history people have practiced these exercises to improve and maintain their health.
Qigong works with the body’s energy or Qi (pronounced Chee), the physical body, and the mind. Training works to harmonize the posture, the breath, and the mind. Qigong can fit into anyone’s daily schedule and the exercises are not difficult to learn.
Qigong is also sometimes written in English as: Chi Kung, Qi Gung, Ki Gong
Qigong is NOT
- Not Difficult to Learn
- Not Time Consuming
- Not Evil or Harmful
- Not Mystical
- Not Religious
- Not Based on Faith
The exercises of Qigong do not require any special equipment or training area.
You can practice in your own home at any time that is convenient for your schedule!
Learn Authentic Chinese Qigong
Start TodayFinding the right Qigong style
It is also important to understand that there are many types of Qigong exercises. In fact there are hundreds and hundreds of different styles or exercise sets. And there is no one style that is right for everyone.
It is important to find the style that is right for you. With the right Qigong style the exercises will fit into your lifestyle and schedule and you will stay interested. This makes continued practice easier and enjoyable.
Consistency is the key to gaining the benefits that Qigong has to offer.
We offer instruction in a variety of styles - so you can choose what best fits your interest.
How does Qigong differ from other Exercises?
When people think about getting fit and healthy they usually think about going to the gym, sweating and exerting a lot of effort.
In fact many people would dismiss Qigong just because it is not strenuous.
But this would be an error. Over time strenuous exercise can tear the body down. After each grueling exercise session the body needs time to recover, repair, and heal itself. The exercise leave you depleted.
If your body is weaker either from the natural aging process or perhaps illness, it can be very difficult to fully recover from a grueling exercise session. Over time this can cause problems because the exercise is breaking down the body rather then building it up.
Qigong is the exact opposite of this.
Qigong exercises do not tax the body at all. There is minimal stress on the cardiovascular system and minimal muscle strain. There is no need to recover from such a workout. Instead your body will get stronger and healthier over time.
How to learn Qigong
There are many ways to learn Qigong. The first step in learning something is first to research the subject. By educating yourself you can determine the best course to follow. This is exactly why we have created this website for you.
You can use this website to find out all about Qigong.
You can learn about Qi, Qigong, how it works, why and how to practice, and much more.
There are several ways you might go about learning Qigong. the first would be by purchasing a book. I think books are great for getting information out there and if you have a lot of experience with Qigong I think you can actually learn form a book. But, I think that for a beginner trying to learn from a book is going to be difficult.
First it is difficult to understand the movements from pictures and written descriptions.
And second, there is no feedback the way you would get if you were learning from a teacher.
Then there are DVDs.
This is a better option then learning from a book. You can see the movements and follow along. But again there is no feedback from a teacher.
I think DVDs are best used to learn more or research different styles of Qigong.
Local Qigong classes might be available in your area.
This is always a good option. But you must research and learn about what is being offered and check into the qualifications of the teacher. This can sometimes be difficult because it is easy for unqualified teachers to sound like they know what they are talking about, they might not.
In addition you will have to make it to the class and try to remember the instruction to practice on your own. This can be difficult and you might miss out on what Qigong really has to offer you just because you are not able to make it a part of your daily routine.
(also most classes in Qigong will be about an hour long- this might lead you to believe that Qigong takes an hour to practice- but really the hour long class is because gyms and studios have hour long classes- its just something they do- so the qiogng class has to conform to the class schedule.
If you have read this page you already understand that Qigong can take much less time then that to practice and you are already ahead of the game)
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Click HereIf you been confused about Qigong before- Its not your fault.
There is a lot of confusion about Qigong, what it is, what you can expect from practicing, etc. If you are just starting out and you have done some research online or even if you have doing it for a while- its not your fault if you are confused about what you have been told or what you have read — because there is a lot of misleading and bad information out there. So before we get started lets clear some things up.
Most Common Areas of Confusion about Qigong
Qigong and Healing
The exercises of Qigong help to regulate and strengthen the body both inside and out. In fact many people promote the exercises because of their healing properties.
But how exactly does this work?
The gentle, slow, smooth, exercises of Qigong work to gently move and stretch the body much in the same way that the art of Tai Chi does.
But, Qigong is much easier to learn then Tai Chi.
The gentle movements not only give a low impact workout but they also stimulate the free circulation of energy and blood in the body.
Over time this improved circulation can account for much of the health benefits and healing that has been reported from practicing Qigong.
Circulation is vital for health and healing.
Without the proper supply of energy and nutrients the body can not maintain an optimal level of function.
If through gentle exercise daily you can stimulate and strengthen the circulation of these vital components and building blocks of the body the results can be tremendous.
How about Tai Chi and Qigong?
Many people have heard about the health benefits of Tai Chi. It is in the news and there have also been research recently as well.
Tai Chi is different from Qigong.
First Tai Chi is originally a martial art. Where Qigong is mainly a health exercise. But Tai Chi is practiced in a slow and smooth manner, and Tai Chi contains Qigong training in it.
In other words practicing Tai Chi is practicing Qigong.
But, Tai Chi can be more difficult to learn then Qigong, because the movement patterns can be a little more complex.
Both Tai Chi and Qigong are great exercises and have many of the same benefits.
If you find Tai Chi movement exercise interesting then you might be interested in our Tai Chi Workout Program- it teaches 13 movements of tai Chi in a way that is easy to learn and also creates a great workout that can be adapted to your goals.
Qigong and Meditation
Meditation is also very good for the health. Meditation also produces many wonderful results for the practitioner.
When we think about meditation we usually think about sitting still and concentrating the mind. This is the most common type of meditation.
Traditionally Qigong and Meditation are complementary.
The movements of Qigong are used to stimulate circulation and heal and strengthen the body. This is a great way to prepare the body for meditation and a great way to complement the stillness practices of meditation.
We offer a Meditation course that you might want to check out! Qigong can also be used as a type of moving meditation. As we go through the movements of a Qigong form we need to concentrate the mind. This concentration leads to a quieting of the thoughts and mental chatter that is usually present. By quieting the mind we are entering a state of meditation.
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